
LATICRETE在开发 更轻量化的产品解决方案 方面处于行业领先地位,以帮助减轻超过 100万 名建筑工人的背部受伤

背部受伤占工作场所所有伤害和疾病的 近 20%。 只有普通感冒比背部受伤造成的工作损失天数更多


Process Solutions

Follow these proper lifting/carrying techniques and guidelines written in the Ergonomic Guidelines for Manual Material Handling written by the Cal/OSHA Consultation Service, Research and Education Unit, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, California Department of Industrial Relations. 

When lifting: 

  • Get a secure grip
  • Use both hands whenever possible
  • Avoid jerking by using smooth, even motions
  • Keep the load as close to the body as possible
  • To the extent feasible use your legs to push up and lift the load, not the upper body or back
  • Do not twist your body - Step to one side or the other to turn
  • Alternate heavy lifting or forceful exertion tasks with less physically demanding tasks
  • Take rest breaks 
  • Stretch and strengthen back muscles using the jobsite stretching exercises (download the PDF) outlined by The Hartford®
  • In lieu of PPE (personal protective equipment), the recommendation is to utilize proper stretching and lifting techniques 

Product Solutions

  • Where available, use lightweight products
  • LATICRETE® lightweight products can be found throughout our product categories. View our Catalogs and Brochures. 
  • When mixing and pouring self-leveling underlayments, overlayments and epoxy coatings utilize a pourable cart such as the LATICRETE® Pro-Mix Station.


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