建筑业 的眼部受伤率 比其他任何行业都高得多。
每天有 2,000 多人 在工作中眼睛受伤, 90% 的眼睛损伤 是可以预防的。
敲击会发出金属碎片的金属和普通钉子的反弹是建筑工人视力丧失 的两个最常见原因 。
大约 十分之一的伤害 需要错过一个或多个工作日才能恢复, 其中 10-20% 的工作场所眼部损伤会导致暂时或永久性视力丧失。
资料来源: 美国国家职业安全与健康 研究所(NIOSH)
Process Solutions
- Use engineering controls (best) such as machine guards that prevent the escape of particles or welding curtains for arc flash protection
- Use administrative controls (good) such as making certain areas “off limits” unless that is your work assignment area or putting passageways out of active work zones
- Use the proper protective eyewear (required, but doesn’t remove all risk)
PPE Solutions
- If your work puts you at risk of flying splinters, chips, or dust, wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields. Look for “Z87+” on the frame or lenses as an indicator of impact protection.
- Rinse irritated eyes. Dust can irritate your eye. If your eye feels gritty or itchy, flush it gently with clean water from a bottle, hose or eyewash station for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
- Safety eye and face protection includes non-prescription and prescription safety glasses, clear or tinted goggles, face shields, welding helmets, and some full-face type respirators that meet the ANSI Z87.1 Eye and Face Protection Standard
- Look for ANSI Z87.1 safety glasses
- Look further on Google search, home center stores, hardware stores and online industrial supply stores