
腕管综合征是一种肌肉骨骼疾病 (MSD),由频繁、用力的手部活动引起,是最常见和最昂贵的 MSD 之一


资料来源:美国疾病控制与预防中心博客,“预防工作场所手腕 MSD 的新指南的有效性


每年有 110,000 起因手部受伤而损失时间的案例!

每年有 100 万名工人因手部受伤在急诊室接受治疗。

70% 的手部受伤的工人没有戴手套 

另有 30%的受害者 戴着手套,但他们已损坏或不足以完成工作任务 

来源: Choose Hand Safety.org

Process Solutions

  • Job rotation and frequent breaks – Decrease MSD incidents 
  • NIOSH recommends that jobs be redesigned to minimize the use of vibrating hand tools and that powered hand tools be redesigned to minimize vibration
  • Provide ergonomic hand tools to employees 
  • Ensure equipment guards are in place to protect hands from injury while in use 
  • Ensure the gloves in use are correct for the tasks 
  • Ensure a good fit (because a glove that doesn’t fit right won’t protect correctly and may even create new hazards) 

PPE Solutions

  • Find and buy the gloves that fit the job
  • Look further on Google search, home center stores, hardware stores, online industrial supply stores 

Product Solutions

  • Lightweight products 
  • Easy/quick set products that don’t require a lot of hand work to set up/smooth/etc. 
  • Whenever possible use lightweight concrete block, pre-blended mortar and grout, skid plates to move concrete and bulk delivery systems like our SUPERCAP® SLU Delivery System


  • Vibrating hand tools can cause vibration syndrome and has adverse circulatory and neural effects in the fingers. NIOSH recommends that jobs be redesigned to minimize the use of vibrating hand tools and that powered hand tools be redesigned to minimize vibration. Learn more in Publication Number 83-110.
  • Review the "Simple Solutions Ergonomics for Construction Workers" tip sheets from NIOSH on: floor and ground-level work, overhead work, material handling, and hand-intensive work
  • Stressful hand and wrist activity can cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Determine how you can find features that make tools more ergonomic in The Center for Construction Research and Training resource. 
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