
长时间处于跪姿的工人将 89% 的体重 放在一个小表面积上。长时间跪着往往会导致受伤。 

涉及频繁弯腰、跪下或蹲下的任务 会增加 患滑囊炎、肌腱炎或膝关节 炎的风险



医学研究所估计,以补偿成本、工资损失和生产力损失来衡量,大规模杀伤性武器的经济负担每年 在450亿至540亿美元之间

膝关节疼痛影响约 25%的成年人。在过去的 20 年中,膝关节疼痛的患病率 增加了近 65%, 每年有近 400 万人次就诊。 

膝关节疼痛是慢性疼痛 的第二大常见原因 ,慢性疼痛是长期残疾的最常见原因

某些职业与 关节炎的患病率增加有关,特别是骨关节炎,最常见的是膝关节和/或髋关节。[包括]建筑。 

这些职业的共同特征是体力要求高/繁重的劳动任务、 举起或搬运重物暴露于振动、关节或组织受伤的高风险,以及长时间以笨拙或不自然的姿势工作,如跪着和爬行

资料来源:美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的“与工作相关的肌肉骨骼疾病和人体工程学”文章

Process Solutions

  • Raise the work off the ground
  • Add an extension on your tool so you can work at waist height instead of kneeling
  • During kneeling work, take frequent micro breaks of 10-20 seconds to extend your leg and allow the knee to return to resting position
  • Sustained walking and standing on hard surfaces can transmit shocks through the leg to the knees - relief starts with investing in great work boots or shoes with arch support which help to strengthen the muscles of your foot
  • Select quality footwear and insoles and use anti-fatigue mats to help reduce stress on your knees
  • Stretch and strengthen leg muscles

PPE Solutions

  • Find and buy knee protection that fits you
  • Look further on Google search, home center stores, hardware stores and online industrial supply stores

Product Solutions

  • Manufacturers are formulating lighter weight products, use them!  
  • LATICRETE has many lightweight and rapid curing products that reduce installation times, are less repetitive heavy bag lifting and less stress and time on your knees


Construction Solutions helps you determine the best way to choose PPE to help avoid knee injuries. 

  • Knee pads are personal protective equipment used to relieve the pressure on the knee joints that result from kneeling on hard surfaces
  • Knee guards with a built-in seat is an engineering control that may help reduce stress on the knees, shins, and ankles during kneeling
  • Kneeling mats are used to relieve the pressure on the knee joints that result from kneeling on hard surfaces
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